
Oct 28, 2011

Almost a Year Ago

Hello world!
I can't say that I loved being pregnant. I felt vaguely queasy throughout the entire first trimester, was somewhat back to normal in the second trimester and in the third trimester I was definitely very, very ready to meet baby E in person.

So welcome to the world, baby E. I hope you're liking your stay so far!

Oct 25, 2011

Jacob Ballas Children's Garden

Higher daddy!
We've hit a score of firsts today! Here's Baby E having a blast on his first piggy-back ride during our first family trip to Jacob Ballas Children's Garden...when we eventually got there. Made the mistake of listening to the missus to "watch for the sign as you near the botanical gardens" and ended up with a mini cross-country ride around bukit timah (my first time getting lost on home turf). 

Note to self: go through the 20 questions routine whenever the missus gives general directions...

~ dullrock (retroactive post)

Oct 23, 2011

Finally Getting Started!

Baby E will be 11 months old in a couple days and it's about time I started working on a blog to record and share his development and our experiences as a family.

It's been one hell of a ride going from a young couple to being married with a baby and hopefully I capture the gist of what we're going through and baby E will have some interesting reading material when he's old enough.

Now time to sort through photographs, get my brain in gear and start posting!

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