Left knee |
So baby E got bitten again before Christmas and this time I was keeping a close watch on him. The weather had been (and still is) wet and humid which seems to create the ideal environment for mosquitoes to come out and play. I noticed a few small bites on his left leg when he came back inside after his usual morning stroll around the garden with grandma but they were normal sized mosquito bites.
Left thigh |
Then in the evening, I noticed the bite on his knee and thigh seemed to get bigger and more red. He also had a fever overnight so we took him to the pediatrician the next day and was given more antibiotics to help with the inflammation.
Couple days after that, found that baby E had a rash on his body that seemed to spread to his limbs and face, went back to the pediatrician and found that he also had false measles. It's caused by a virus so no medication necessary. In retrospect, the fever might have been caused by the false measles.
Poor baby E, in the span of a week, he lost his appetite due to teething, had infected mosquito bites and then false measles. Luckily he recovered in time to attend some family Christmas gatherings.
Technically it's his 2nd Christmas but we did not bring him out last year as I was still supposed to be under confinement.
Merry Christmas baby E!