So I don't usually keep track of milestones for toddler E.
Wait, that's not entirely true.
I was obsessed with his milestones from birth until he was about a year old. Mostly because I was still in awe of how my body produced another human being. And worry for his development because I might not have eaten well enough during pregnancy since all I could keep down was yoghurt & cornflakes for the first couple trimesters.
Anyway, yesterday was chock full of milestones for toddler E!
1. Went to the playground alone with the hubby, willingly
2. Sat in his carseat in the back alone when hubby drove them out for breakfast after
3. Told us he had to pee & peed in the toilet (using the child seat insert thingy) for the first time
Considering toddler E has absolutely refused to do anything or go anywhere without me right beside him, this is big news.
My baby is growing up!