
Jan 30, 2012


Happy baby, oops I mean toddler
Baby E is officially a toddler! He's been practicing his walking skills the past few weeks and over Chinese New Year he walked clear across the living room all by himself several times.

We're so proud!

Except now that he's mobile but not quite steady on his feet, I've got to double my watch on him. Plus he's tall enough to reach for things off the edge of the desks so there's some further baby-proofing to be done.

Jan 26, 2012

Lil' Old Man Face

But I AM smiling, dad!
My dad taught baby E this scrunched up grimace months ago and he's been doing it ever since. Especially when he's tired but wants to keep on playing with whoever is interacting with him.

We were at Cafe Epicurious at The Rail Mall having breakfast and it was fast approaching baby E's morning nap time so he kept giving my hubby the lil' old man face when asked to smile for the camera.

Gotta love my silly baby boy!

Jan 2, 2012

Happy 2012!

No photo, just some thoughts.

This time last year, baby E was just over a month old. 

Ok, I lied. 

Maybe just one photo taken around this time in 2011.

Mummy's Sunshine
Our happy, laughing lil' bundle of joy that we constantly worried over. Was he sleeping enough? Eating enough? Getting enough stimulation and exercise? Thank goodness we have a supportive and experienced pediatrician who took the time to address all our questions. Questions like 'What's this blue vein on the bridge of his nose and why is he a bit bluish around the mouth? Is he getting enough oxygen? Should we take him to the A&E???' (Turns out it can be normal for newborns and yes he's getting enough oxygen and his brain is just fine). Baby E's crying is more like YELLING so all the effort it took to cry that might have contributed to the bluish colouring.

Now baby E is a healthy, active almost-toddler and looking back on all our worries (well seems like they were mostly my worries, maybe due to the roller-coaster of emotions I was going through postpartum and being stuck at home under confinement DID NOT HELP). But my MIL cooked fantastic confinement food and I'm very grateful to her for that. I don't know how I would have kept my strength up without her food, especially since I spent almost every waking moment worrying about baby E and not doing much else to take care of my recovering body.

Baby E has been teething the past few days and he's had another allergic reaction to mosquito bites when we visited my mum's place for Christmas. All this combined is affecting his sleep again so I've got my work cut out for me over the next week or so.

Welcome 2012! 
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