
Sep 10, 2012

Art Garden 2012, SAM at 8Q

So we took baby E to the Art Garden 2012 exhibition at the Singapore Art Museum a few weeks ago and he had a blast running around touching stuff. I'm on the lookout for more events like this because he had so much fun, it was a chance for him to play and explore without me or the hubby hovering over him and telling him 'no!' all the time. 


Does standing count?

Posing like a pro

Great exhibit for grabby lil' hands

Oops, sign says 'no climbing'
Baby E seems to have nice memories about our visit to the museum. He still tells me about the young couple who shared the table with us and coloured with him. He says 'draw' and 'koko' which means 'big brother' referring to the guy who drew a spiderman rabbit for him.

There was also an exhibit with a microphone hooked up to a sensor and computer that generates images onto a projection screen. The size of the images depends on how loud a person talks (or shouts) into the microphone. This is another of baby E's favourite memories, judging by how often he's told me about it now. He'll mimic holding a microphone and go 'baaaaah!' then point at the wall / pretend projection screen.

I think we all had a really nice time that day. A change from both the hubby and I feeling frazzled and worn out by trying to keep baby E entertained or in-check on our usual outings.

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