
Jul 11, 2013

Daily Bath - Love It or Hate It

How toddler E went from loving his bath to being really reluctant to take one.

It began with him getting really worked up about getting water in his face so he started refusing to wash his hair. Before that, I washed his hair like I always did since he was born, by cradling his head and neck on my arm (body out of the bathtub and on my lap) and scooping water over his head. No mess and no water in his eyes. Once he became more mobile, he wouldn't sit still so I'd pour water over his head while shielding his eyes and hope for the best.

After a while, he was just flat out refusing to wash his hair at all. So I went out and bought a shampoo hat so water would not get into his eyes. It's almost exactly like a sun visor except made of soft plastic. That worked great for a couple months. Then he was refusing to wear it or wash his hair (again).

I think it was daddy E who put his foot down and told toddler E that he had to wash his hair, no questions asked. There was whining, negotiating and tantrums but in the end toddler E accepted his fate.

He still negotiates bath time now but I think it's because he's reluctant for the day to end and sleep is boring? Toddlers and their insatiable need to live, learn and do things. Inspires me to get away from the screen (computer and phone) and be there doing things with him.

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